ALANYA, Avsallar
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Pronađeno 142 na prodaju u Alanya
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Buying Property in Alanya

If you are looking for property in Alanya, you’ve come to the right place! Capitol Estate is proud to be the go-to authority for investors buying Alanya Real Estate!

Come be close to the sea, great shopping, historical sites, and a great nightlife! Our experts will find you apartments for sale in Alanya, houses for sale in Alanya, or even villas in Alanya. No matter your budget, luxury or cheap, there is a dream home waiting for you here and we can find you the best Alanya property.

When you buy property in Alanya you are in good company - 30% of foreign purchases in Turkey are here! Dutch, Russian, German, and Scandinavian tourists make up the majority of tourists to Alanya although many more tourists are beginning to travel from Saudi Arabia as well. It’s hard to resist “the Turkish Riviera”! Pročitajte više

Alanya is a shopper’s paradise with shopping for everyone, from bargaining at the pazars to high-end brand name shops. This resort town has beaches so stunning that Cleopatra herself swam here. With the combination of sandy beaches and the ideal Mediterranean climate paired with access to fine dining, vibrant nightlife, and many intriguing historical sites, it’s no wonder so many people want buy property in Alanya to spend more time here!

Just imagine it now… can you feel the warm sun on your face as a breeze from the sea relaxes you while you dig your toes into soft hot sand? Or if you prefer action - can you see yourself now, parasailing and windsurfing as you get an indescribable rush of excitement? Perhaps if you have a family you will spend your days at Sealanya exploring the seapark and dolphin parks. Or if you like nightlife you’ll be delighted to spend your evening along the “Vegas by the Sea”.

Your nights are certain to be full of enchantment as you unwind drinking hot Turkish tea, ice cold Effes, or if you are adventurous - the special Turkish liquor, raki! Just don’t stay up too late because you never want to miss a delightful Turkish breakfast with seemingly never ending plates of local olives and cheeses, fresh breads, cured meats, traditional egg dishes, and special jams!

Pronađeno 142 Nekretnina na prodaju u Alanya
Organic Sačuvaj stranicu




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  • Čim dobijemo Vaš upit, dodijelit ćemo ga našem stručnjaku za nekretnine.
  • Naš stručnjak će Vas uskoro kontaktirati kako bi Vam pružio sve potrebne informacije.
  • Također ćemo Vam poslati BESPLATNI Vodič za kupovinu u znak zahvalnosti!
Šta se dalje dešava?

Šta se dalje dešava?

  • Čim dobijemo Vaš upit, dodijelit ćemo ga našem stručnjaku za nekretnine.
  • Naš stručnjak će Vas uskoro kontaktirati kako bi Vam dao odgovore na sva Vaša pitanja.
  • Također ćemo Vam poslati BESPLATNI Vodič za kupovinu u znak zahvalnosti!
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Moje omiljene nekretnineSačuvajte nekretnine koje Vam se sviđaju dok pretražujete web stranicu.

Budite prvi koji ćete saznatiOdaberite svoje kriterije kako biste primali ažurirane informacije o nekretninama čim postanu online.

Besplatno putovanje za razgledanjeRegistrovani članovi imaju priliku da besplatno putuju u Tursku.

Sačuvaj straniceStavite sve svoje omiljene nekretnine i članke na jedno mjesto i pogledajte ih kad god želite.

Posebne ponudeBudite prva osoba koja će saznati o popustima i posebnim ponudama.

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