Nekretnine na Prodaju u Bodrumu

Dobrodošli na prekrasno poluotoka Bodrum gdje se duboko plava boja Egejskog mora spaja s bogatom tapiserijom historije, vibrantne kulture, i živopisnog životnog stila. Capitol Estate s ponosom prezentira širok raspon nekretnina u Bodrumu, u rasponu od luksuznih vila i šik apartmana, do ekskluzivnih penthousova i strateški odličnih građevinskih zemljišta. Bile da tražite kuću za odmor, permanentno boravište, ili investicijsku mogućnost, tržište nekretnina u Bodrumu nudi obećavajući potencijal za sve.Pročitajte više

Zašto Odabrati Bodrum za Investiciju u Nekretninu?

Bodrum je jedinstveno tržište nekretnina poznato po:

Premium Lokacije za Nekretnine u Bodrumu

Poluotok Bodrum nudi različite lokacije, svaka sa svojom jedinstvenom privlačnošću:

Apartmani u Bodrumu

Otkrijte raznolike opcije života u Bodrumu, uključujući i moderne apartmane u srcu grada nudeći pogodnosti i komfort u neposrednoj blizini svih lokalnih sadržaja.

Vile u Bodrumu

Za one koji traže privatnost i luksuz uz prekrasnu obalu Bodruma, Capitol Estate nudi odabrane i izolovane vile koje čine savršeno bijega u tišinu i isključivost.

Penthousovi u Bodrumu

Iskusite samu definiciju luksuza s našim ekskluzivnim penthousima u Bordumu, gdje se zaprepastvljući pejsaži i vrhunski sadržaji spajaju u savrsenstvu.

Zemljište na Prodaju u Bodrumu

Razmišljate o izgradnji kuće vaših snova u Bodrumu? Istražite naše dostupne građevinske parcele koje nude različite veličine i lokacije, idealno za kreiranje vaše osobne oaze.

Hoteli na Prodaju u Bodrumu

S Bodrumovom rastućom popularnošću kao turistička destinacija, investicija u jedan od naših hotela na prodaju pruža značajnim povratom na investiciju (ROI) uz visoke najamne prinose.

Kako Kupiti Nekretninu u Bodrumu

Kupovina nekretnine u Bodrumu uz Capitol Estate je jednostavan i neposredan proces:

Jeste li spremni za istraživanje ekskluzivnih  nekretnina u Yalıkavaku? Kontaktirajte Capitol Estate danas i započnite putovanje ka idealnoj nekretnini na jednoj od najpoželjnijih lokacija u Bodrumu. Naš iskusni tim stručnjaka iz oblasti nekretnina je spreman pružiti vam personalizirani servis i ekspertni savjet. Nazovite nas odmah i dozvolite nam da vam pomognemo u pronalaženju vašeg idealnog doma. Naša predanost je da vas vodimo kroz svaki korak procesa kupovine, osiguravajući vam uspješnu i unosnu investiciju.

Centar Bodruma i pogled sa dvorca
Bodrum Nekretnine nude odličnu vrijednost za novac
Bodrum Real Estate Agent

When you are ready to buy property in Bodrum, there are so many questions you have to answer… but you probably don’t have those answers! That’s why you need to work with an agent who understands Bodrum Real Estate. Also many foreigners are intimidated by the prospect and process of purchasing Bodrum Real Estate but you should know that the Turkish government wants foreigners to buy property in Turkey. The steps are now streamlined to simplify your experience!. When you work with a professional Capitol Estate Real Estate Agent, they will help you navigate the process and greatly simplify each step for you.

You deserve to work with a someone who is an expert on Bodrum Real Estate market trends and patterns, who knows every corner of Bodrum and can find you the perfect home in the best neighborhood at the right price.

Bodrum Lokacija nekretnina na karti
Bodrum Neighborhoods

When you buy property in Bodrum it’s important to understand the unique personality of each Bodrum neighborhood so that you buy in the place that is best for you. Bodrum is known for its expansive and posh luxury properties and our agents know Bodrum Real Estate well enough to find you the most exclusive homes for the best price. However if you want to find cheap Bodrum property you can, but you’re going to have the best luck working with someone who really understands the local Real Estate market. Call us to learn more about Bodrum neighborhoods - our experts are specialists and can’t wait to help you!

Bodrum Real Estate Market

About 80% of property in Bodrum is owned by Turks. When you also factor in the booming market it’s easy to see the security of investing in a Bodrum property. Both foreigners and natives want to live in this relaxed and elite city so housing sells fast here! In addition to the established trends, there is a new luxury Marina in Yalikavak which was recently completed, and is already further increasing prices of property in Bodrum! For more information about Bodrum Real Estate trends call our expert New Home In Turkey Real Estate Agents who are ready to help you find the best Bodrum property.

Pročitajte više
Nekretnina na prodaju u Bodrum po pristupačnoj cijeni

Bodrum Luxury Property

Are you looking for houses for sale in Bodrum in the multi million Euro range? Or penthouses for sale in Bodrum with exceptional amenities on the sea? Can you see yourself as the happy owner of a Bodrum villa settled on the sea with private access to a sandy beach? Yalikavak, Bodrum Town, Turkbuku offer Bodrum’s best luxury homes. Turkey’s richest want the best - and Bodrum delivers! Want to know more about luxury Bodrum Real Estate? Call New Home in Turkey today - our professionals are experts ready to help you find your dream home.

Bodrum Cheap Real Estate

If you want to up your status but need to buy Bodrum Real Estate on a budget - Capitol Estate’s Real Estate Agents can help you find a wonderful cheap property! Bodrum doesn’t have a reputation as the place to go for bargain shopping yet many investors are surprised what a good deal they can find on property in Bodrum. The secret is to work with an expert Real Estate Agent who understands the city’s market and trends!

Houses For Sale In Bodrum

Bodrum Real Estate has many exquisite and expansive mansions to choose from as well as comparatively cheap options if you know where to look. Turks are the number one investor in Bodrum property and the market here is highly competitive since so many people want to live here. Call Capitol Estate if you’re ready to learn about the market for property in Bodrum, when the best time to buy is, and much more important information related to buying a foreign investment.

Apartments For Sale In Bodrum

Apartments for sale in Bodrum are some of the best in Turkey. You can find seaside luxury apartments in Bodrum with professional and courteous concierge service or more humble units away from the action. Talk with one of our Bodrum Real Estate experts to guarantee that you find the style of apartment you like, in your ideal budget, with a location that you love.

Villas In Bodrum

The Bodrum Real Estate Market is full of extravagant, stunning villas. You can find many style of villas in Bodrum. Many include private pools or even better, private beach access! If you’re interested in cheap villas you are still in for a treat as many include shared pools, fitness centers, and shops. But if you want your Bodrum villa to radiate luxury - some beachfront villas include private beaches and onsite mooring! To find the best villa to fit the needs of your Bodrum Real Estate search, call our expert Real Estate Agents today!

Hotels for Sale in Bodrum

Bodrum Hotels are the most popular when it comes to having vacation for Rich Turkish People. If you are looking for a hotel for sale in Bodrum, contact our company today to see available offers.




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  • Čim dobijemo Vaš upit, dodijelit ćemo ga našem stručnjaku za nekretnine.
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  • Također ćemo Vam poslati BESPLATNI Vodič za kupovinu u znak zahvalnosti!

Vodič za besplatnu kupovinu

  • Korak po korak vodič za kupovinu nekretnine u Bodrum
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  • Opisi lokacija

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  • Molimo provjerite svoju e-poštu i kliknite na link kako biste aktivirali svoj zahtjev.
  • Čim potvrdite svoj zahtjev, ja ću Vas kontaktirati i odgovoriti na sva Vaša pitanja.
  • Također ću vam poslati BESPLATNI Vodič za kupovinu u znak zahvalnosti!
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5 razloga za kreiranje besplatnog naloga

Moje omiljene nekretnineSačuvajte nekretnine koje Vam se sviđaju dok pretražujete web stranicu.

Budite prvi koji ćete saznatiOdaberite svoje kriterije kako biste primali ažurirane informacije o nekretninama čim postanu online.

Besplatno putovanje za razgledanjeRegistrovani članovi imaju priliku da besplatno putuju u Tursku.

Sačuvaj straniceStavite sve svoje omiljene nekretnine i članke na jedno mjesto i pogledajte ih kad god želite.

Posebne ponudeBudite prva osoba koja će saznati o popustima i posebnim ponudama.

Pretraži nekretnine u Turskoj po lokaciji
Otkrijte naše najbolje prodavane lokacije: